Welcome to my blog, Here you will find very usefull information for teens and parents. For those you you who are wanting to move out, looking for a job, starting as a student or just want a to know a little more about money I am sure you will find what you are looking for.

Moving Out

Moving out of home for the first time is often an exciting and daunting time. Before you Begin to move out there are a few questions you need to ask yourself as it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Everything you need to know before you move out can be found this page as well as a heap of helpful tips.

Reasons to Move Out

You may choose to move out for many reasons but remember only to move out for the right reason. Making a rash decision to move simply because of a fight with your parents or a disagreement often ends in disaster. However when moving out for a sensible reason it can be very rewarding. A proper reason to move out my include;

· Moving away from home for education purposes

· Moving because your current location does not suit you needs (ie, traveling to work)

· Continuing difficulties and conflict living with parents

· Parents moving

· Living in a de facto relationship

Remember not to move out for the wrong reasons!

Things to Look Out For

It is understandable that you may be hesitant or worried about moving out this is common for first timers; remember to carefully consider the following before moving out.

· Current Financial Issues

· Ability to handle increased responsibility

· Roommates (if applicable) remember not to move in with anybody if you are worried that they will not be able to handle the responsibility or if you are worried about their financial situation. I recommend not moving in with friends as you may find yourself losing them over small arguments and disagreements

Try to work through all existing issues before moving out this will help insure a successful move.

Can I Afford It?

Before moving out you need to ask yourself "Can I afford to move out of home?" A common mistake of teenagers is to rush into the decision before fully realising the cost involved of moving out. I recommend you make an in depth budget before moving out as there are a lot of hidden expenses a lot of first timers do not take into consideration.


Writing a budget is a very important step that should be taken before even considering moving out. This topic is too big to be fully discussed her. Visit the Money Page for more information on budgeting.

Paying Rent

Paying rent is an obvious part of moving out and is usually the biggest expenses. You need to make sure you can afford a house before you sign the lease. Consider finding some roommates to share the rent but be careful of whom you choose. Share houses are also a cheaper option for moving out and can easily be found with a quick Google search. I recommend setting up automatic bank transfers to make this process easier. This can be done by visiting your bank or with online banking. Remember to transfer the money a few days before it is due as to allow time for it to clear. Most real estate agency’s require you to pay a bond this is usually equivalent to four weeks rent, as well as this they will also require you to maintain your rental payment two weeks in advance.


If you are not moving into an already established share house you will be required to set up accounts with utility companies. This can be easily done with a few phone calls. You will need to have the electricity connected so remember to call in advance as this usually takes around three days. Most electricity companies will also require a bond; this is usually between $100 and $150. Most teenagers have mobile phones these days so connecting a phone line is not usually necessary especially with most smart phone being able to act as portable hotspots. But if you do need to connect a phone line remember to take the line renal into account on your budget. I also recommend getting a pin number put on the phone if you are sharing a house this allows each member of the house to have their own pin and receive separate bills.

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